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2. Set up your juicer (cold-pressed) with a large bowl to catch the juice and a sieve between the spout and the bowl. Alternatively, pour juice through a sieve at the end before bottling.
3. Prep: Remove the skin from the oranges and cut in quarters. Cut the pear into roughly 6 pieces (half and then in threes). Remove the leaves from the celery and chop stalks into 3cm pieces. Remove skin from lemon and cut in quarters. Top and tail the carrot, discard the ends and then slice in half lengthways and in half again. Remove the skin from the ginger (and turmeric if using)
4. Turn juicer on and start to feed ingredients through alternating between pieces of fruit and pieces of veg. The idea is to use juicier fruit pieces in between the dense veg to help lubricate.
5. Just before all ingredients are juiced, taste test and adjust accordingly. Sometimes you may prefer more fruit or more herbs and we always try every batch before bottling.
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