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Winter Green Juice

When the weather cools down and you still feel like juice, this recipe is it! Using the seasonal winter fruit and veg, balanced with herbs and a large chunk of ginger for warmth. This recipe makes a large batch to bottle and refrigerate for a few days on the go. We always use a cold-pressed juicer to make our juices, but you can use any juicer you have available.
*makes 1.5 - 1.8 litres:

6 large green apples
1 large lemon
1 pear
half bunch kale
2 large celery stalks
1/2 broccoli
1 large knob of ginger *size of a thumb
handful fresh herbs
mint, dill & parsley
apple cider vinegar *for wash

1. Wash fruit and veg: Fill a clean sink with water and a splash of acv. Place all the ingredients in the water to soak while setting up the juicer.
2. Set up your juicer (cold-pressed) with a large bowl to catch the juice and a sieve between the spout and the bowl. Alternatively, pour juice through a sieve at the end before bottling.
2. Prep: Cut the apples and pear into roughly 6 pieces (half and then in threes). Remove the leaves from the celery and chop stalks into 3cm pieces. Remove skin from lemon and cut in quarters. Pull the kale leaves from the stalk and roughly chop leaves. Cut or snap broccoli into small florets and chop the stalk. Remove the skin from the ginger.
3. Turn juicer on and start to feed ingredients through alternating between pieces of fruit and pieces of veg. The idea is to use juicier fruit pieces in between the dense veg to help lubricate.
4. Just before all ingredients are juiced, taste test and adjust accordingly. Sometimes you may prefer more fruit or more herbs and we always try every batch before bottling.
5. Pour into clean jars or airtight container and store in the fridge for up to three days FROM the day of juicing.


- Most apple varieties are great for juicing but we love the clean crisp taste of green apples with green veg and it helps keep the vibrant green colour.
- Any variety of kale is suitable. Just always remove the stalk to prevent clogging the juicer.
- If you are not a fan of broccoli substitute for green beans as a nutrient rich green veg option.
- Taste as you go and taste before bottling. If the flavour is too strong juice some extra mint and fruit. Juices will always taste better once chilled.
- Scoop off the foam before bottling.


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